Career Solutions Inc. Case Study

The Problems Career Solutions, Inc. is actually an expansion from the original "Foundations of Brilliance" program created by Bernard Percy. This new company is co-founded by Bernard Percy (Writer, Educator, Author, International Speaker and Consultant) and Ben Kugler (Writer, Executive, Relationship Expert), and offers additional services. While they've been quite successful and have helped [...]

2 Easy Steps You Can Take to Avoid Domain Scams

If you don't own any domain names, you can skip this article.  If you do own one or more, I wanted to give you a quick heads-up about "legal" but shady practices so you can avoid domain scams. I've gotten a lot of these emails lately: Subject: "Domain Notification for: This is your Final [...]

By |2020-03-04T00:15:59-05:00August 15th, 2017|Business, Security|0 Comments

Surprisingly Effective Productivity Hack

Here's a surprisingly effective productivity hack. All of us are super busy with careers, side hustles, kids, spouses, family, pets and every once in a while even some recreation too! I understand.  Aside from running Duffweb, I'm also co-founder of, a recently-launched stock marketplace for imagery shot by drones, I'm writing a book, helping my [...]

By |2020-03-04T00:15:59-05:00May 7th, 2017|Tips & Tricks, Business|0 Comments

5 Key Signs That You Need a New Website

“My site’s not THAT old”, you say to yourself…trying to feel better about the fact that you just saw a competitor’s really cool site, and your site doesn’t look cool and shiny like theirs does. Well, maybe your site is too old and maybe it isn’t. Maybe something else is wrong. Here’s the test. Check [...]

Why SEO Won’t Help You

by Michael Duff, Founder I think we can agree that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the Holy Grail of Internet activities currently.  I probably get asked a couple times a week by clients wanting to boost their Google ranking, and I suppose it’s the product of our times, but each client seems to be looking [...]

By |2020-03-04T00:16:02-05:00January 21st, 2014|Tips & Tricks, SEO, Business, Web Design, Website Planning|2 Comments

Responsive = Responsible

by Michael Duff, Founder Being responsive is a good thing.  We certainly like it when Firemen or an Ambulance are responsive. And in your business if there is a need or demand, you respond to accommodate that.  It’s smart and people love it.  In the Web Design world it has a newer, design-specific meaning that [...]

By |2020-03-04T00:16:02-05:00April 28th, 2013|Business, Web Design, Mobile Design|0 Comments

Don’t Make Your Website Like The Government

by Michael Duff, Founder I’ve been told that the only things in this world which are certain are Death and Taxes. Apparently there is a way to postpone at least one of them. When talking to a client the other day, she was telling me how she had contacted the IRS to pay some back [...]

By |2020-03-04T00:16:02-05:00March 7th, 2013|Business, Web Design, e-commerce|0 Comments

Hackers: Misguided or Malicious?

Alt title: Boob vs. Boobs. by Michael Duff, Founder Warning: This is a bit of a rant. You see, earlier today I set out to write a post here on Cloud computing and how it affects us and how I believe it will change the way we do almost everything in the very near future, [...]

By |2020-03-04T00:16:03-05:00September 10th, 2012|Business, Web Design, Tips & Tricks, News, Security|1 Comment
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