WooCommerce Subscriptions: How to Change Future Recurring Payment Amount

Whenever I figure out the solution to something website or graphic design-related that I couldn't find online, I write it up so the world can know. What can I say...I'm a giver. So here's my most recent problem and solution. PROBLEM: Client wants to change pricing of a recurring subscription product. DETAILS: Changing the [...]

Choosing Colors in Design-The Duffweb Cheat Sheet

There are many tools in marketing & design. Here's a cool guide we put together on how we use the COLOR tool. There’s a lot to know about the use of color in design, as well as a lot that we consider when making decisions on color palettes, accents versus main colors, etc. In [...]

Duffweb Website Process – Doughnut Infographic

I like Donuts (regardless of how it's spelled) and after I asked our Creative Director Erica to break down our process as an infographic I said "And hey, while you're at it, can you throw donuts in there somewhere?" She, as usual, delivered in spades and here it is for you mouth-watering approval: The [...]

Surprisingly Effective Productivity Hack

Here's a surprisingly effective productivity hack. All of us are super busy with careers, side hustles, kids, spouses, family, pets and every once in a while even some recreation too! I understand.  Aside from running Duffweb, I'm also co-founder of DroneStock.com, a recently-launched stock marketplace for imagery shot by drones, I'm writing a book, helping my [...]

By |2020-03-04T00:15:59-05:00May 7th, 2017|Business, Tips & Tricks|0 Comments

Why Google Wants Your Website To Be Secure

How Secure is Secure? Google likes it when your website uses what's called an SSL. I'll explain why later but first: SSL stands for Secure Socket Layers. That's the official geek term for the technology that encrypts information while it is sent from your host server to a web browser, or mailbox, etc. Remember those [...]

By |2020-03-04T00:16:00-05:00January 23rd, 2017|Design, Web Design, Website Planning, Tips & Tricks, Security|0 Comments

How to tell if a CDN (Content Delivery Network) is right for your website

What IS a CDN? CDN stands for Content Delivery Network and simply put, it's a series of computers in multiple data centers strategically scattered throughout the world available to deliver content. Did I say "simply put"? OK, stick with me. What does a CDN do? The goal of a CDN is speed. This is achieved by [...]

By |2020-03-04T00:16:00-05:00January 5th, 2017|Web Design, Tips & Tricks|0 Comments

Upgrade your WordPress Memory Limit in 6 Simple Steps

So you got a memory error, something like: "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 12345678 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2345678 bytes) in /home/your-username/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line..." Don't worry. You'll be fine. Themes are getting more robust and require more resources than the default limit WordPress gives you.  And it appears that different hosts have different requirements, making it [...]

By |2020-03-04T00:16:01-05:00September 12th, 2016|Tips & Tricks, Web Design|0 Comments

10 Critical Mistakes to Avoid when Choosing a Web Designer

1. Will your site hold up under the stress of a large inflow of clients? You found an inexpensive web designer and finally launch your new site. You then send out a big marketing campaign to drive customers to it, only to find that as soon as lots of people visit, the site goes down. [...]

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